Sorry for the picture quality - it was off my cell phone.
Last weekend I attended the MN Horse Expo. I could only go on Saturday so I did not get to see the full clinic schedules but the bits I did see were great. On Saturday night I also went to the rodeo - it was awesome!
A friend of ours is in a wheel-chair so we all sat in the handicapped section with him. This section was the first row, in front of where the bucking chutes opened up and the return gate was directly in front of us. It was so much fun to watch. We were so close that we actually had fur fly up at us and some of the arena dirt.
The bucking stock were great too, quite a few of them had been to the World Finals Rodeo and most had some kind of record. All of the bulls bucked off the cowboys before the 8 seconds were up. Not one cowboy had an 8 second ride. It was amazing the quality of the stock.
The place was packed and the crowd roared. It was so awesome to watch a great rodeo!
I'll post more about the clinics, I mostly watched Lynn Palm and talked with her a little after wards about some of her theories on straightness. Also, she said some interesting things about Clinton Anderson's one-rein-stop, none of them in support.